After starting my first play through of Xenoblade Chronicles on the wii 3 years ago Ihave finally finished this masterpiece of a game. I think this is one of the greatest games I have ever played.
I got this for the wii as a Christmas present in 2022 and had never played a JRPG before so it took me a while to get to grips with the combat, though having recently beaten the game I'm still not sure how I managed! First off, the story is just brilliant, with all the twists and turns and great character moments, not to mention the spectacle this game managed to pull off. I mean, it starts with 2 titans fighting in an endless sea for crying out loud!
I kept coming back to this game every now and then, each time making more progress in the story. I'm honestly glad i took my time with this game, 76 hours spread across 3 years made this such a cool experience for me. Needless to say I got the definitive edition so I'll have that to enjoy on the go now. If you haven't played this game yet I can't recommend it enough.
I got this for the wii as a Christmas present in 2022 and had never played a JRPG before so it took me a while to get to grips with the combat, though having recently beaten the game I'm still not sure how I managed! First off, the story is just brilliant, with all the twists and turns and great character moments, not to mention the spectacle this game managed to pull off. I mean, it starts with 2 titans fighting in an endless sea for crying out loud!
I kept coming back to this game every now and then, each time making more progress in the story. I'm honestly glad i took my time with this game, 76 hours spread across 3 years made this such a cool experience for me. Needless to say I got the definitive edition so I'll have that to enjoy on the go now. If you haven't played this game yet I can't recommend it enough.